Congratulations! You have written a book. Hopefully, you have finished with your revisions too. However, sometimes it takes as many as seven drafts to get to the final one! So be sure your manuscript really and truly is as good as it can be. Share it with beta readers, such as your writing group, writing workshop, family, friends, fellow writers, etc.
If you’re sure that it is ready to publish, you have some choices. You must decide if you’re going to go the traditional publishing route or the indie publishing route. Either way, I recommend you check out Season Two of our podcast, A Writer’s Journey: From Blank Page To Published, which you can subscribe to on iTunes and listen anywhere, anytime:https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/writers-journey-from-blank/id911131840. The reason I suggest this is because this season Sara and I discussed PUBLISHING. So there is no reason to reinvent the wheel.
***Author’s Note: This is an open forum, meaning your comments and questions are welcome, so feel free to share your writing experiences, tips, resources, and general queries and please feel free to share this post if you found if helpful.***
BIG NEWS!!! Stop Talking & Start Writing Your Book is now out. In honor of NaNoWriMo and NaNonFiWriMo we are offering this valuable how-to reference for just .99 during the week of 11/22-11/29. FYI: November is National Novel Writing Month and National Nonfiction Writing Month. Please take advantage of this offer as the book will go back up to its normal price of $4.99 on 11/30 and will not be discounted again this year. To learn more about Stop Talking & Start Writing or to get your .99 copy click here.
Coming in December: Santa! So take a break and enjoy the holidays… you deserve it! Congratulations again!
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