Are you blocked? Last month I discussed knowing when and where to get help if you feel need more of a support system. This month I want to address something that happens to ALL writers–writer’s block! Yes, it’s real (and a real pain too!). But don’t despair, it is yet another pesky thing you can overcome with the right tools. Here are some resources to help writers who have hit the wall…
I also want to remind you that a good resource is our podcast, A Writer’s Journey: From Blank Page To Published, which you can subscribe to on iTunes and listen anywhere, anytime:https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/writers-journey-from-blank/id911131840
ASSIGNMENT–Month #8 (August): If you have fallen prey to writer’s block, GET HELP AND GET OVER IT! Write another 10,000 words.
***Author’s Note: This is an open forum, meaning your comments and questions are welcome, so feel free to share your writing experiences, tips, resources, and general queries and please feel free to share this post if you found if helpful.***
Coming in September: I’m Finished Writing My Novel Or Am I?…
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