When is the best time to see a ghost? Most people think that late at night is the best time to have a paranormal experience. But the truth is that ghost encounters happen as often during daylight hours as they do at night.
Why do ghosts haunt certain places? There are a few popular theories as to why ghosts haunt places. Ghosts may haunt a place because they don’t realize they are dead! Or they may have unfinished business.
Did you know that there are different types of hauntings?
*The most common is a residual haunting. It is when the same ghostly activity occurs over and over again with nothing changing. It is considered to be a playback or recording of a past event, not a “live” haunting. The ghost may have a strong connection to the place or a particular room or object.
*Another type is intelligent haunting. This is a “live” encounter. The ghost is actively trying to communicate with the living by moving objects, showing itself, opening a door, or getting close enough so that cold spots from its presence may be felt.
*A less common type is a portal haunting. This is where high activity areas are documented and a vortex or ghostly shape or mist (not an orb) is caught on camera.
*The rarest and scariest type is an inhuman haunting. This is when the entity was never human. A ghost is the spirit of a dead person but inhuman haunting have nothing to do with ghosts. It is an evil entity that tends to make its presence known by pushing, shoving, hitting, or punching. This is different from a poltergeist, which is a naughty ghost.
How many people have seen a ghost? 3 in 10 people have awakened sensing a ghostly presence in their room (AP Poll) and 17% say they have communicated with the dead (Rhine Research Center).
Did you know that orbs are the worst indicators of paranormal activity? Ghost hunters often mistake light reflections and dust particles as orbs. (Orbs are balls of light that appear in different sizes and intensity and are believed by many to indicate paranormal activity), thus rendering them unreliable indicators of paranormal activity.
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