Have you talked about writing a book for so long that friends and family now roll their eyes or yawn in boredom when you mention it yet again?
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Terrance,wondering about your many book titles. Could you list them so your fans will know? Know its self promoting but its your webpage. Also have you explored the shag dance angle for people who are interested in a beach vacation and learning to dance? I go to ocean drive,sc every november for the beach music awards. All the best bands attend and its loads of fun. Steve W.
Believe me, I am not above shameless promotion to sell my books! But there is a list of all my titles on both sites. On http://www.terrancezepke.com you will find it at top of the page on the menu just below my name and photo. Here is the link: http://terrancezepke.com/about-terrance/terrances-bookshelf/. But you bring up a good point and I think I will also write a post about it so watch for that or if you subscribe to my newsletter you will get it. Will be doing lots of promotions this summer and fall where we’ll be giving away some books and selling several at .99 for limited time so if you’re interested be sure to subscribe to weekly newsletter or keep a close eye on website. Thanks for your interest!
Still looking 4 that 99c book sale! Have I missed it? Your articles are great! Just be careful getting on and off airplanes where a movable tunnel connects you from the plane to the building. Lots of tripping hazards and no help from either the airline or the airport in case of an accident. A friend broke a nose, wrist and had head injury in such a tunnel recently. SW