It all began on June 6, 1995 when two men, John Baur and Mark Summers, came up with the idea. Then Columnist Dave Berry got involved…let’s just say that it has grown in popularity every year since it began.
Anyway, if you’re interested in participating, here’s what you need to know:
What: International Talk Like a Pirate Day
When: September 19, 2013
Where: Worldwide
How: Just pretend you’re a pirate whenever you speak. Here are some basic pirate words and phrases…
“Ahoy!” – “Hello!”
“Aye!” – “Yes, I concur whole-heartedly.”
“Aye aye!” – “I’m on it.”
Arrr! -more a sound than a word, meaning “yeah” or “works for me” or “you bet,” etc.
“Dead Men Tell No Tales!” (self-explanatory!)
“Godspeed!” – Safe voyage!
“No quarter!” = We’ll show no mercy!
“Splice the mainbrace!” – Let’s partake in some grog!
“Shiver Me Timbers!” – Color me surprised!
Davey Jones’ locker – pirate slang for bottom of the ocean
Grog – (very important word for pirates) an alcoholic beverage, such as rum, ale, or wine
Lubber – (or land lubber) A lubber is someone who does not go to sea, who stays on the land
Poop deck – highest deck at the aft end of a ship
Shipshape – Everything is looking good
***Lots of businesses will be celebrating this fun day, such as Krispy Kreme. If you talk like a pirate, you’ll get a FREE doughnut. If you dress like a pirate, you’ll get a DOZEN FREE DOUGHNUTS.
For more on TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY, visit:
For more on piracy, see my Pirate Gallery (on my homepage under ‘Pirates’)
According to a review I read recently in re “Best Ghost Tales of South Carolina”, it stated that tales of the Sunset Lodge are in the book; I now have the book, but unable to locate them. Can you help me? Thank you.
‘Sunset Lodge’ is a story in GHOSTS OF THE CAROLINA COASTS not The Best Ghost Tales of SC. What reviewer said that it was in that book?