I haven’t given much thought to aliens and UFOs. Yes, I believe life exists beyond the earth so I imagine that aliens and UFOs do exist. But that’s the extent of my interest and knowledge. Recently, I visited the UFO Museum in South Carolina, www.UFOExhibition.com. There was so much solid (and fascinating) evidence and information that it peaked my interest. I came home and did more research. Here’s ten things I have learned:
1. Aliens come in all different shapes, sizes and colors. Witnesses have reported everything from human-looking to small, gray beings with big, dark bug eyes and large, bulbous heads. Reports have also included robot or android in appearance, as well as large, monstrous creatures.
2. Their space ships also come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. There have been reports of large, round flying saucers, triangular-shaped aircraft, and cigar-looking space ships.
3. Sightings of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) date back as far as the 1890s and have occurred all over the world. There are organizations that track and report these sightings (see below).
4. Out of all the reported sightings, only about ten percent are true UFOs (and not some kind of earthly aircraft, weather-related, hoax, or natural phenomenon.
5. While most UFO sightings might not be clearly defined as an extraterrestrial event, less than one percent have been proven to be hoaxes.
6. A person who studies this field of Ufology is called a Ufologist.
7. The most credible accounts of being abducted come from Betty Hill (first reported abduction) and Travis Walton. A book was written that was made into a movie about Walton’s five-day mysterious disappearance called Fire in the Sky.
8. The U.S. military has continually denied the existence of aliens and UFOs but has admitted officially studying them from 1947 – 1969 during Project Blue Book. Many experts believe they are still studying them despite their denials.
9. The most famous incident in American history was in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. According to witnesses, the government quickly arrived and carried everything away, including an injured but alive alien. To this day, the government does some kind of top secret studies and/or experiments here, which is known as Area 51. They use a private security firm to patrol the perimeter. Trespassers are quickly captured and then arrested and usually convicted.
1o. At one time, men wearing black suits, black ties, black shoes, black sunglasses and large black hats arrived at the home of anyone who reported a UFO sighting to interview them in depth about what they saw. While some believed these were government officials, others are sure these are Nordics (human-looking aliens) sent to find out how much humans saw or know about them. A Hollywood movie was made about this, Men in Black. There have been many other movies made about aliens, such as E.T., Aliens, Body Snatchers, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Fifth Element, Independence Day, Mars Attacks, Prometheus, Super 8, and War of the Worlds.
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Wow! I think I will be looking more into this!
Yes, it is fascinating subject. Isn’t it? Glad you appreciated info.