One of the best places in this country to study parapsychology is at the renowned Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina. It was founded by Dr. J.B. Rhine. Dr. Rhine began his career studying botany at the University of Chicago. Later, he taught psychology at Harvard. When his menor, Professor William McDougall, was transferred to Duke University in 1927, Dr. Rhine and his wife followed him to Duke.
In the psychology department at the prestigious Duke University, Dr. Rhine began has experiments with ESP (extra sensory perception). He did this using Zener card and psychokinesis experiments using automated dice-throwing machines. The idea was to use scientific methods to prove the existence of ESP. It was Rhine and McDougall who came up with the term “parapsychology.” This is the study of paranormal psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis.
Dr. Rhine studied this field from 1927 – 1965. His studies led to a parapsychology lab being established at Duke University. This became one of the leading labs in the country for this type of scientific research. In 1934, Dr. Rhine publishing his findings in his monograph, Extra Sensory Perception. It was published in many countries and led to Dr. Rhine being considered an expert in the field.
During the 1940s, his wife, Dr. Louisa Rhine, began studying psi experiences. Her research led to a greater understanding of ESP. One of the most interesting theories that emerged from one of their leading researchers was about poltergeists. Using advanced scientific methods, it was determined that events commonly contributed to poltergeist manifestations, such as noises, objects being thrown or moved or broken, are NOT the work of ghosts. Instead, they are believed to be events commonly triggered by a child or teen who consciously or unconsciously causes these things to occur.
When Dr. Rhine retired, the Rhine Center was moved off campus to another facility nearby. Researchers still utilize the 700+ boxes of files from the Duke lab. There are lots of good books on the subject, but one I would recommend is The Gift by Dr. Sally Rhine Feather. Other good books include:
The Poltergeist (William Roll)
Ghost Hunters (Deborah Blum)
Poltergeist! (Colin Wilson)
Investigating the Paranormal (Tony Cornell)
The Study of Parapsychology (Harvey J. Irwin and Caroline A. Watt)
Parapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known physical laws of nature. Parapsychology is a component of the broader study of consciousness and the mind. Parapsychologists study 5 broad areas:
- Telepathy – mind to mind communication through a means other than the normal senses
- Clairvoyance or Remote Viewing – knowledge of objects, people, or events that are hidden via space or time. For example, an object hidden in a box in a different room, a photograph sealed in an envelope, an event that is occurring to a loved one who is thousands of miles away, or the characteristics of a room that only existed in the past.
- Precognition – knowledge of an event that has not yet occurred, or information that appears to be transferred from the future into the present.
- PK or Psychokinesis – Mind interacting with matter at a distance. Mind interactions with living systems (including energetic healing) are sometimes included in this category.
- Survival Studies – The nature of human consciousness and an examination of whether consciousness survives the physical form. This includes mediumship research, reincarnation, out of body experiences, apparitions, and ghost activities.
This information was taken from the Rhine Center’s website. For more on the study of parapsychology and the Rhine Center, visit
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