“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” -Benjamin Franklin

Welcome to the second episode of the Writer’s Lounge when we’ll be talking about Blogging vs. Social Media. My co-host, Sara Whitford, and myself will be discussing topics that are relevant to all writers, but many of our topics apply to other careers, as well as writing. Anyone who owns a business is most likely using social media and/or has a website and actively blogs as part of their marketing efforts. So listen up to learn which one is a better use of your valuable time.
Sara and I co-hosted the podcast, A WRITER’S JOURNEY: FROM BLANK PAGE TO PUBLISHED, for two years. During that time we covered everything you need to know to go from having an idea to having a published book. We walk you through the process sharing dozens of essential resources, tips, techniques, and writing tools that will make the process much easier. Click here if you’d like to access these shows!
Our new writing podcast is what we’ve learned along the way and are still learning–and I’ve been in this business for twenty years! We’ll interview other authors, reveal the best marketing strategies, talk about the latest publishing trends, a writer’s life, and much more. In addition to being available on terrancezepke.com and sarawhitford.com, the shows will also be available on iTunes and Google Podcast App.
At the end of each episode, I’ll highlight a famous writer and share their favorite drink–just for fun. We are in a writer’s lounge, after all, and many famous writers liked to imbibe, and had a favorite drink. So this show features Ian Fleming (1908-1964), who is best known for his James Bond series, but he also wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. He wrote the first Bond book in 1952, Casino Royale. His favorite drink was a Vesper Martini: 3 oz. gin, 1 oz. vodka, 1/2 oz. vermouth, and a lemon peel to garnish. And remember, it should be shaken not stirred!
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