Quick Reference Guide to Ghosts

Carolina Ghost
Watch Club

Ghost Resources

Ghost Walks

Most Haunted Places
in the Carolinas

Hunting for Ghosts

Ghostly Terms

Ghost Quiz

Ghost Jokes

Skeleton Laughing

Ghost Jokes

A man was staying in a big old house and in the middle of the night he met a ghost. The ghost said, "I have been walking these corridors for 300 years." The man said, "In that case, can you tell me the way to the toilet?"

Student : "Did you know that ghosts are protected by the Constitution?" Parent: "They are?" Student: "Sure. It's in the Bill of Frights!"

Why was the ghost of Anne Boleyn always running after the ghost of Henry VIII ? She was trying to get ahead !

Who did the ghost invite to his party? Anyone he could dig up.

When do ghosts usually appear? Just before someone screams.

What kind of street does a ghost like best? A dead end.

What happened when a ghost asked for a brandy at his local pub? The bartender said "Sorry, we don't serve spirits."