Quick Reference Guide to Ghosts

Carolina Ghost
Watch Club

Ghost Resources

Ghost Walks

Most Haunted Places
in the Carolinas

Hunting for Ghosts

Ghostly Terms

Ghost Quiz

Ghost Jokes

Take my Carolina Ghost Quiz — If you dare...

  1. Over near Siler City, there is a patch of ground where nothing will grow. What is it called?

    1. Devil’s Stomping Ground
    2. John Siler’s Haunted Ground
    3. Devil’s Courthouse
    4. Satan’s Tramping Ground

  2. What happened to the men who caused the horrific end to all those aboard ‘The Ship of Fire’?

    1. Died in a ship fire a few months later.
    2. Hid the rest of their lives in the forest.
    3. No one knows because they disappeared.
    4. Hanged.

  3. How did the corpse come to be hidden in a dorm at Davidson College?

    1. A student murdered another student and hid the body.
    2. No one knows.
    3. A medical student stole the corpse but got scared of getting caught.
    4. It wasn’t a real corpse.

  4. Whatever happened to the most famous root doctor (sorcerer) of the lowcountry?

    1. He escaped prosecution and upon his death his ashes were used by other root doctors for special conjuring.
    2. Unknown.
    3. He moved away before he could be convicted and was later buried in an unmarked grave in Beaufort.
    4. He became a hero and a special tombstone was erected in his honor on St. Helena Island.

  5. There once a bordello that later became haunted by its Madame. Where was it?

    1. Charleston
    2. Georgetown
    3. New Bern
    4. Beaufort


(Read more about the stories in the books listed beside each answer.)

  1. (a) The Best Ghost Tales of North Carolina
  2. (b) Ghosts and Legends of the Carolina Coasts
  3. (c) The Best Ghost Tales of North Carolina
  4. (a) Lowcountry Voodoo (coming soon!) and The Best Ghost Tales of South Carolina
  5. (b) Ghosts of the Carolina Coasts